Con questa chiave di ricerca abbiamo trovato 34 esercizi.

Altri esercizi di GRAMMATICA e VERBI: aggettivi - apostrofo - articoli - ascolto - avverbi - be-going-to - can-must - comparativi - comprensione-advanced - comprensione-elementary - comprensione-intermediate - conditional - congiunzioni - discorso - few-little - for-since - frasi - futuro - genitivo-sassone - gerundio - imperativo - infinito - invalsi - irregular-verbs - maiuscole - many-much - modali - negative-form - nomi - participio - passivi - past-continuous - past-perfect - past-simple - phrasal-verbs - preposizioni - present-continuous - present-perfect - present-simple - pronomi-indefiniti - pronomi-misti - pronomi-personali - pronomi-possessivi - pronomi-relativi - pronomi-riflessivi - punteggiatura - question-form - say-tell - singolare-plurale - some-any - superlativi - there - this-that - to-be - to-do - to-have - too-enough - video-esercizi - when-while - who-whose - wish -. Altri esercizi sui VOCABOLI: abbigliamento - animali - casa-arredamento - cibo - colori - corpo-umano - daily-routines - famiglia - giochi - giorni-mesi-stagioni - halloween - hobby-sport - luoghi-citta - mestieri - mezzi-trasporto - misti - natale - nazioni - numeri - opposti - scuola - tempo-atmosferico - video-esercizi -
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LEGENDA DIFFICOLTA' ESERCIZI: molto facile facile medio difficile molto difficile
Volgi al plurale i seguenti nomi(01):
1) A cat, many cat __________. 2) A bird, many __________. 3) A dog, many __________. 4) A bunny, many ___________. 5) A hamster, many...
Volgi al plurale i seguenti nomi(02):
1) A room, many __________. 2) A table, many __________. 3) A chair, many __________. 4) A bed, many ___________. 5) A couch, many...
Volgi al plurale i seguenti nomi(03):
1) A toy, many __________. 2) A doll, many __________. 3) A car, many __________. 4) A robot, many ___________. 5) A card, many ____________. 6)...
Inserisci HOW MUCH oppure HOW MANY prima di ognuna delle parole elencate (01):
...pupils / ...time / / ...dollars / ...milk / ...children / ...water / / ...dogs / ...people
Inserisci HOW MUCH oppure HOW MANY prima di ognuna delle parole elencate (02):
...CDs / / ...cups / ...juice / ...time / ...pencils / ...cheese / ...cornflakes / ...pizzas / ...lemonade
Inserisci HOW MUCH oppure HOW MANY prima di ognuna delle parole elencate (03):
...nonsense / / ...smoke / / ...mice / ...women / ...countries / ...teachers / ...fruit / ...cups
Inserisci MUCH oppure MANY prima di ognuna delle parole elencate (01):
pencils / lemonade / pounds / literature / water / dirt / snow / files / bones / trouble / CDs / music / cups / juice / time
Inserisci MUCH oppure MANY prima di ognuna delle parole elencate (02):
pupils / time / money / dollars / milk / children / water / fun / dogs / people / pencils / cheese / cornflakes / pizzas / lemonade
Inserisci MUCH oppure MANY prima di ognuna delle parole elencate (03):
cars - music - pictures - flowers - milk - numbers - money - tea - girls - pencils
Inserisci MUCH oppure MANY prima di ognuna delle parole elencate (04):
food - evenings - websites - sugar - women - cheese - children - time - mice - information
Completa le domande utilizzando MUCH o MANY e interpretando le risposte per capire cosa scrivere negli spazi con i puntini 01.
1 How .... in your class? There are 33 students in my class. 2 How .... in the fridge? There is a lot of ice cream in the fridge. 3 How .... in your...
Completa le domande utilizzando MUCH o MANY e interpretando le risposte per capire cosa scrivere negli spazi con i puntini 02.
1 your wallet? No, I haven't. Only 5 pounds. 2 ....? Yes, they have got 5 children: two sons and three daughters. 3 ....biscuits in that tin?...
MUCH, MANY oppure A LOT OF? scegli quello giusto per ogni frase(01).
1 There's MUCH/A LOT OF fruit in the kitchen. 2 Are there MANY/MUCH eggs in the fridge? 3 We haven't got MUCH/MANY time. 4 There's A LOT OF/MUCH milk...
MORE o MANY? scegli la forma adeguata per completare le frasi:
1. There were ____ questions on the quiz. 2. The quiz takes _____ time to complete when you are careful. 3. Louis sold _____ lemonade than Jessy....
Completa le frasi con MANY, VERY, A LOT, ALOT OF, LOTS OF, HOW MUCH.
1 Is there .... traffic in the center of the city? -- 2 Have you got .... brothers? -- 3 They haven’t got .... fruit for lunch. -- 4 Your cake is...
Completa le frasi con MUCH, MANY, HOW MUCH, HOW MANY:
1 I don’t like .... ketchup on my chips. -- 2 She always buys .... sweets. -- 3 There are .... tins of coke. -- 4 Are there .... teachers in that...
Completa le frasi con MANY, A LOT OF, VERY, MUCH, A LOT:
1 There aren't .... people leaving around our house -- 2 We haven't got .... chairs for the wedding -- 3 I like to put .... sugar in my coffee -- 4...
Completa le frasi con MANY, A LOT OF, VERY, MUCH, A LOT(02):
1 There is .... to do for my party. -- 2 It’s .... late. -- 3 He usually reads .... -- 4 Are there .... messages for Mr Charlie? -- 5 He hasn’t...
QUANTIFIERS: scegli una parola tra quelle qui di seguito per riempire ogni spazio. A - A FEW - ANY- A LITTLE - MUCH - A LOT OF - SOME - MANY - AN - A LOT
1. How ..... children do you and Tony have? // 2. I don't have ..... patience and I find jigsaw puzzles boring. // 3. We only have .... carrots. We...
QUANTIFIERS: abbina le risposte alle domande.
RISPOSTE: A. There aren't any. // B. Yes, we have a lot. // C. I don't have much, but it's enough. // D. Yes, a few. // E. No, none. // F. There...
Riordina queste parole per creare delle frasi. La prima parola in ogni frase è "I".
1. I / for / was / too / much / me / slices / and / . / seven / it / ate / pizza / of --- 2. a / . / like / of / I / pieces / few / cake / would ...
Completa le frasi con HOW MUCH oppure HOW MANY(01):
...stars are there in the sky? / ...people live on islands? / ...birds are there? / ...water is in the ocean? / is in a bank? / ...countries...
Completa le frasi con MUCH oppure MANY(01):
How...players are in a handball team? / How...pocket money do you get per week? / How...time is left? / How...sisters does Ella have? / How...coins...
Completa le frasi con MUCH oppure MANY(02):
There isn't...milk left in the fridge. / You shouldn't eat so...sweets. / My friend doesn't eat...fruit. / They don't know...about the history of...
Completa le frasi con MUCH oppure MANY(03):
Jane hasn't got ... time. / Do you know ... words in English? / He didn't eat ... meat. / There isn't ... butter in the fridge. / How ... eggs did...
Completa le frasi con MUCH oppure MANY(04):
There is too ... water in the bath tub. / How ... brothers and sisters has Anne got? / I don't receive ... letters nowadays. / How ... rice do you...
Completa le frasi con MUCH oppure MANY(05):
She has so ... friends! / Too ... cooks spoil the broth. / Hurry up. I don't have so ... time. / We went to a dairy yesterday. I had never seen so...
MUCH, MANY oppure A LOT OF? scegli quello giusto per ogni frase(02).
1 There are....apples in the kitchen. 2 Have we got....milk in that carton? 3 You haven't got....potatoes on your plate. 4 Are there....tomatoes in...
MUCH, MANY oppure A LOT OF? scegli quello giusto per il seguente brano.
It's dad's birthday on Saturday and there's a special birthday dinner at my house. I've got a recipe for apple pie. It's dad's favourite dessert. So,...
Traduci le frasi e inserisci MANY, A LOT OF, MUCH:
C'è molto caffè - Ci sono molte persone - Ci sono molti panini - Ci sono molte macchine - C'è molto zucchero - Non ci sono molti panini - Non ci...
Completa ogni frase scegliendo uno dei QUANTIFIERS proposti.
1. I've sat in that chair ... a time and thought about poor Joseph. --- 2. ... Meg and...
Le seguenti frasi che contengono QUANTIFIERS sono corrette(01)?
1. Are there any questions or can we move on to the next unit? --- 2. Nearly each person I saw that day complained about the cold. It was freezing!...
Le seguenti frasi che contengono QUANTIFIERS sono corrette(02)?
1. If you have some doubts about the exam, come and ask me. --- 2. There were no photos taken here last night. None. --- 3. All the students didn't...
Metti queste parole nell'ordine corretto per creare delle frasi con QUANTIFIER. Non dimenticare di includere la punteggiatura!
1. get / in / manages / to / hour / five / who / complete / under / test / bonus / a / anyone / points / an / will / the / . --- 2. the / is / ocean...