Con questa chiave di ricerca abbiamo trovato 46 esercizi.

Altri esercizi di GRAMMATICA e VERBI: aggettivi - apostrofo - articoli - ascolto - avverbi - be-going-to - can-must - comparativi - comprensione-advanced - comprensione-elementary - comprensione-intermediate - conditional - congiunzioni - discorso - few-little - for-since - frasi - futuro - genitivo-sassone - gerundio - imperativo - infinito - invalsi - irregular-verbs - maiuscole - many-much - modali - negative-form - nomi - participio - passivi - past-continuous - past-perfect - past-simple - phrasal-verbs - preposizioni - present-continuous - present-perfect - present-simple - pronomi-indefiniti - pronomi-misti - pronomi-personali - pronomi-possessivi - pronomi-relativi - pronomi-riflessivi - punteggiatura - question-form - say-tell - singolare-plurale - some-any - superlativi - there - this-that - to-be - to-do - to-have - too-enough - video-esercizi - when-while - who-whose - wish -. Altri esercizi sui VOCABOLI: abbigliamento - animali - casa-arredamento - cibo - colori - corpo-umano - daily-routines - famiglia - giochi - giorni-mesi-stagioni - halloween - hobby-sport - luoghi-citta - mestieri - mezzi-trasporto - misti - natale - nazioni - numeri - opposti - scuola - tempo-atmosferico - video-esercizi -
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LEGENDA DIFFICOLTA' ESERCIZI: molto facile facile medio difficile molto difficile
SOME oppure ANY? Scegli la risposta corretta(01).
1. Wendy has got some / any new jeans. -- 2. The students have got some / any new books. -- 3. I haven't got some / any jeans. -- 4. Have you got...
SOME oppure ANY? Scegli quello giusto per completare le frasi.
1. We have got ... new jackets. / 2. Have they got ... coats? / 3. The boys haven't got ... skirts. / 4. Jamie has got ... new trousers. / 5. You...
COUNTABLE O UNCOUNTABLE? indica di che tipo sono i seguenti nomi(01):
milk - room - butter - song - music - minute - tea - child - homework - key
COUNTABLE O UNCOUNTABLE? indica di che tipo sono i seguenti nomi(02):
rice - potato - information - man - bread - poetry - mile - vegetable - weather - sheep
COUNTABLE O UNCOUNTABLE? indica di che tipo sono i seguenti nomi(03):
confusion - roof - traffic - pain - behaviour - knife - cutlery - freedom - mouth - peace
COUNTABLE O UNCOUNTABLE? indica di che tipo sono i seguenti nomi(04):
luck - permission - ox - work - salmon - crisis - baggage - research - aircraft - rubbish
Completa le frasi con A, AN oppure SOME:
I have...good idea. / That's...interesting job! / They have in that old mine. / Do the Smiths have...yellow van? / Look! He's...
Completa le seguenti frasi con SOME oppure ANY(01):
We need...bananas. / You can't buy...posters in this shop. / We haven't got...oranges at the moment. / Peter has books. / She always...
Completa le seguenti frasi con SOME oppure ANY(02):
Have you got...tomatoes? / There are...exercise books on the floor. / Did you get the ketchup? No, they didn't have.... / You should eat...fresh...
Completa le seguenti frasi con SOME oppure ANY(03):
Can I have...of these kiwis? / We saw...dolphins in the sea. / They went to town / Buy some apples if you see.... / Would you...
Completa le seguenti frasi con SOME oppure ANY(04):
1.We don't have ...milk. / 2.I bought ...hamburgers for dinner. / 3.They have ...videos in that shop. / 4.She doesn't want / 5.He would like...
Completa le seguenti frasi con SOME oppure ANY(05):
Sue went to the cinema with ... of her friends! / Jane doesn't have ... friends. / Have you got ... brothers or sisters? / Here is ... food for the...
Completa le seguenti frasi con SOME oppure ANY(06):
I need a hammer and ... nails. / He does not want ... help. / There are ... sheep in the garden. / Do you know ... famous people? / They often invite...
Completa le seguenti frasi con SOME oppure ANY(07):
Danny has got ... cool computer games. / I can do this exercise without ... help. / Noreen never has ... time. / There are ... ice-creams in the...
Completa le seguenti frasi con SOME oppure ANY(08):
Gerald bought ... flowers for me on the market. / He usually comes without ... flowers. / Linda has never been anywhere abroad. / There was hardly...
Completa le seguenti frasi con SOME oppure ANY(09):
Would you like ... biscuits? / No, thank you. But I'd like ... orange juice, please. / I'm sorry. I don't have any orange juice. And there is hardly...
Osserva l'immagine e indica, usando SOME, ANY, THERE IS-ISN'T, THERE ARE-AREN'T, se i seguenti alimenti sono presenti oppure no.
1 cheese. 2 jam. 3 potatoes. 4 bread. 5 eggs. 6 biscuits. 7 meat. 8 butter. 9 lemons. 10 oranges. 11 sugar.
Gli aggettivi e i pronomi indefiniti: riempi gli spazi con A/AN/SOME/ANY/NO (01:
1 Would you like .... pizza? -- 2 There are .... pens on the desk. can you lend me yours? -- 3 Are there .... oranges in the fridge? -- 4 I haven’t...
Gli aggettivi e i pronomi indefiniti: riempi gli spazi con A/AN/SOME/ANY/NO(02):
1 Would you like .... sweets? -- 2 I had .... ideas about your thesis. -- 3 I’d like .... chocolate, and you? -- 4 Have you got .... cakes for me?...
Gli aggettivi e i pronomi indefiniti: riempi gli spazi con A/AN/SOME/ANY/NO(03):
1 There’s .... cake in the fridge. -- 2 she has got .... posters. -- 3 She hasn’t got .... friends. -- 4 I have got .... time to speak with you....
Gli aggettivi e i pronomi indefiniti, inserisci quello adatto al tempo indeterminato(01):
1 Do you know any/some Americans? -- 2 Yes, I know any/some. -- 3 I need to taste a some/few types of wine .... -- 4 ... to choose the best one/any....
Aggettivi e pronomi indefiniti, inserisci quello adatto al tempo indeterminato(02):
1 There isn’t many/much coffee. -- 2 Go to buy a few/some, please. -- 3 In a few/any case, this house will remain my property. -- 4 I haven’t...
Gli indefiniti composti, inserisci il pronome indefinito corretto(01):
1 I need .... for my homework -- 2 I didn't go .... last Summer -- 3 Does .... want to go to the cinema? -- 4 He left from his office without saying...
Gli indefiniti composti, inserisci il pronome indefinito corretto(02):
1 I asked if .... wanted an ice cream -- 2 .... told me about your family -- 3 Is there .... wrong? -- 4 I didn't eat .... because I wasn't hungry --...
Gli indefiniti composti, inserisci il pronome indefinito corretto(03):
1 There is ... behind the door. -- 2 Can you hear ...? -- 3 No, I can’t hear ... -- 4 The smell of fried onion is ... -- 5 What are you thinking? -...
A oppure SOME? Completa le frasi scegliendo quello corretto(01):
There is ____ sand in my shoe. -- There is ____ five pound note in my wallet. -- There is ____ wine in the cupboard. -- There is ____ butter in the...
A oppure SOME? Completa le frasi scegliendo quello corretto(02):
There is ____ rice in the cupboard. -- There is ____ dog in the garden. -- There is ____ postman coming to the door. -- There is ____ alcohol in the...
Completa le seguenti frasi con SOME oppure ANY:
1. Are there ...cinemas in your town? --- 2. Can I have ...sugar in my coffee, please? --- 3. He doesn't have ...brothers or sisters in his family....
Leggi questo dialogo tra Peter, Jane e il cameriere in un ristorante. In ogni casella scegli tra SOME oppure ANY:
WAITER: Are you ready to order now? PETER: Yes, we are. MARY: Do you have (1) ...Russian salad today? WAITER: No, we don't have (2) .... I'm sorry....
Completa le seguenti frasi con SOME oppure ANY. Scegli nothing se pensi che non sia necessaria alcuna parola.
1. Do you like _____ milk? // 2. Do you have _____ milk I can borrow? // 3. There isn't _____ cheese in the fridge. // 4. _____ dogs are usually...
QUANTIFIERS: scegli una parola tra quelle qui di seguito per riempire ogni spazio. A - A FEW - ANY- A LITTLE - MUCH - A LOT OF - SOME - MANY - AN - A LOT
1. How ..... children do you and Tony have? // 2. I don't have ..... patience and I find jigsaw puzzles boring. // 3. We only have .... carrots. We...
QUANTIFIERS: abbina le risposte alle domande.
RISPOSTE: A. There aren't any. // B. Yes, we have a lot. // C. I don't have much, but it's enough. // D. Yes, a few. // E. No, none. // F. There...
Riordina queste parole per creare delle frasi. La prima parola in ogni frase è "I".
1. I / for / was / too / much / me / slices / and / . / seven / it / ate / pizza / of --- 2. a / . / like / of / I / pieces / few / cake / would ...
Riempi ogni spazio con SOME oppure ANY.
1. Before we leave, I have to get... money and my cigarettes. Wait a moment. // 2. ... people think they have the right to a job without having to...
Ognuno di questi nomi è COUNTABLE, UNCOUNTABLE o entrambi?
1. sheep -- 2. wealth -- 3. knowledge -- 4. news -- 5. glass -- 6. crime -- 7. equipment -- 8. pollution -- 9. fish -- 10. time
Completa le seguenti frasi con SOME oppure ANY:
I would like... Chocolate - I need... Air - Is there... Milk? - Are there... Apples? - Can I have... Tea? - Would you like... Coffee? - Does she...
Scrivi A, SOME o ANY nel primo spazio, poi scrivi un LUOGO a tua scelta nel secondo spazio in cui si potrebbe trovare l'oggetto di cui si parla nella prima parte della frase(01):
1. Did you buy __ newspaper at the ___? -- 2. There is __ tea in the ___. -- 3. We posted __ letter at the ___. -- 4. I put __ Coca-Cola in my ___....
Scrivi A, SOME o ANY nel primo spazio, poi scrivi un LUOGO a tua scelta nel secondo spazio in cui si potrebbe trovare l'oggetto di cui si parla nella prima parte della frase(02):
11. I asked Clara for __ advice at the ___. -- 12. There is __ fly on the ___. -- 13. There is __ meat in the ___. -- 14. I saw __ elephant at the...
Scrivi A, SOME o ANY nel primo spazio, poi scrivi un LUOGO a tua scelta nel secondo spazio in cui si potrebbe trovare l'oggetto di cui si parla nella prima parte della frase(03):
1. I put __ paper in the ___. -- 2. Please put __ salad on your ___. -- 3. I put __ knife and fork on the ___. -- 4. Did we have __ homework in Mr....
Scrivi A, SOME o ANY nel primo spazio, poi scrivi un LUOGO a tua scelta nel secondo spazio in cui si potrebbe trovare l'oggetto di cui si parla nella prima parte della frase(04):
11. __ good weather was forecast on the ___. -- 12. There was __ cup in the ___. -- 13. There was __ snow on the ___. -- 14. Dan found __ pound coin...
SOMEWHERE-NOWHERE: scegli la parola migliore tra quelle suggerite, per completare ogni frase.
1. I didn't do.... yesterday. I stayed in bed. // 2. Are you...
Completa ogni frase scegliendo uno dei QUANTIFIERS proposti.
1. I've sat in that chair ... a time and thought about poor Joseph. --- 2. ... Meg and...
Le seguenti frasi che contengono QUANTIFIERS sono corrette(01)?
1. Are there any questions or can we move on to the next unit? --- 2. Nearly each person I saw that day complained about the cold. It was freezing!...
Le seguenti frasi che contengono QUANTIFIERS sono corrette(02)?
1. If you have some doubts about the exam, come and ask me. --- 2. There were no photos taken here last night. None. --- 3. All the students didn't...
Metti queste parole nell'ordine corretto per creare delle frasi con QUANTIFIER. Non dimenticare di includere la punteggiatura!
1. get / in / manages / to / hour / five / who / complete / under / test / bonus / a / anyone / points / an / will / the / . --- 2. the / is / ocean...
Guarda il video tratto dal film Harry Potter(02) e rispondi alle domande facendo click e/o scrivendo sul video stesso.
Video di 4'10" con 8 domande su much/many/a few/a little/some/any. La correzione di questo esercizio viene data direttamente alla fine del video.