Con questa chiave di ricerca abbiamo trovato 18 esercizi.

Altri esercizi di GRAMMATICA e VERBI: aggettivi - apostrofo - articoli - ascolto - avverbi - be-going-to - can-must - comparativi - comprensione-advanced - comprensione-elementary - comprensione-intermediate - conditional - congiunzioni - discorso - few-little - for-since - frasi - futuro - genitivo-sassone - gerundio - imperativo - infinito - invalsi - irregular-verbs - maiuscole - many-much - modali - negative-form - nomi - participio - passivi - past-continuous - past-perfect - past-simple - phrasal-verbs - preposizioni - present-continuous - present-perfect - present-simple - pronomi-indefiniti - pronomi-misti - pronomi-personali - pronomi-possessivi - pronomi-relativi - pronomi-riflessivi - punteggiatura - question-form - say-tell - singolare-plurale - some-any - superlativi - there - this-that - to-be - to-do - to-have - too-enough - video-esercizi - when-while - who-whose - wish -. Altri esercizi sui VOCABOLI: abbigliamento - animali - casa-arredamento - cibo - colori - corpo-umano - daily-routines - famiglia - giochi - giorni-mesi-stagioni - halloween - hobby-sport - luoghi-citta - mestieri - mezzi-trasporto - misti - natale - nazioni - numeri - opposti - scuola - tempo-atmosferico - video-esercizi -
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LEGENDA DIFFICOLTA' ESERCIZI: molto facile facile medio difficile molto difficile
Guarda queste frasi al present perfect. FOR e SINCE vengono utilizzati correttamente o no?
1. They have been going out together for last February. // 2. According to this label, the document hasn't been updated since two years. // 3. Since...
Guarda le seguenti espressioni temporali. Per ognuno, scegli FOR o SINCE.
1. the 24th of May // 2. yesterday // 3. 2 weeks ago // 4. I was at university // 5. my friend's party // 6. a year // 7. the whole of my adult life...
FOR oppure SINCE? scegli la preposizione corretta per completare le seguenti frasi(01):
I have been living in New York ... 1 year / I haven't seen you ... a week / I have been waiting ... 12:30. / I've lived here ... 5 years. / I've...
FOR oppure SINCE? scegli la preposizione corretta per completare le seguenti frasi(02):
This house is here.... 1899. / Have you visited your friend.... he moved to Sweden? / I lived in America.... a half year. / I didn't see you.... a...
FOR oppure SINCE? scegli la preposizione corretta per completare il seguente brano:
I decided to leave the country six months.... I had been living in UK... five years, it was time for me to embrace a new life... all my friends had...
FOR oppure SINCE? scegli la preposizione corretta da inserire prima delle seguenti parole(01):
...Easter/...two weeks/ birthday/...last summer/...1999/...ten days/...a few minutes/...1st April/...a long time/...6 o'clock
FOR oppure SINCE? scegli la preposizione corretta da inserire prima delle seguenti parole(02): long as I can remember/...three days/ childhood/...ten years/...I was young/...New Year's Eve/...Wednesday/...five...
FOR oppure SINCE? scegli la preposizione corretta da inserire prima delle seguenti parole(03):
...6 o'clock/...I was young/...a long time/...he was a child/...four hours/ childhood/...years/...breakfast/...three days/...10 o'clock
FOR oppure SINCE? scegli la preposizione corretta per completare le seguenti frasi(06):
I have been waiting .... 4 o'clock. / Sue has only been waiting .... 20 minutes. / Tim and Tina have been learning English .... six years. / Fred and...
FOR oppure SINCE? scegli la preposizione corretta per completare le seguenti frasi(07):
1 I have lived in London....two years. 2 Daniela has been at this school....2015. 3 We have been best friends ....we were six. 4 They have played in...
Riempi gli spazi in queste frasi con FOR oppure SINCE:
1. .... the dentist took out that tooth of mine, it's been really painful. I should go back to her. // 2. You have worked really well ..... the...
FOR oppure SINCE? scegli la preposizione corretta per completare le seguenti frasi(03):
1 John has lived here ___ September. A=since B=for / 2 Mary has been ill ___ Thursday. A=since B=for / 3 We have been waiting ___ three hours....
FOR oppure SINCE? scegli la preposizione corretta per completare le seguenti frasi(04):
11 __ I was a kid, I've always had a fascination with airplanes. A=For B=Since / 12 We've been eating turkey sandwiches __ Christmas. A=since B=for /...
FOR oppure SINCE? scegli la preposizione corretta per completare le seguenti frasi(05):
21 He turned up at 3:00 and he's been waiting __ then. A=since B=for / 22 __ Josh was promoted, he's been working extra hard. A=Since B=For / 23 Have...
Completa le frasi con FOR oppure SINCE solo dov'è necessario.
1 We have lived in this house I was born. 2 Martha has had her cat three years. 3 Claire has known Ryan they were in primary school. 4 I haven't read...
Scrivi FOR oppure SINCE all'inizio di ogni esercizio ma attenzione: in un caso non devi scrivere nulla!
1...three years 2...last year 3...yesterday 4...five hours 5...a long time 6...October 7...all week 8...Christmas 9...some time
FOR oppure SINCE? scegli la conclusione giusta per ogni frase.
1 Phil has played football since HE WAS 10/TEN YEARS. 2 Jack and Tom have lived there for last SUMMER/THREE YEARS. 3 We have read twenty pages since...
FOR oppure SINCE? Scegli l'alternativa corretta.
1 I've been at this school FOR/SINCE three years. 2 Mark and Joe have been best friends FOR/SINCE Year 3 at primary school. 3 Katia and Tony haven't...