ESERCIZIO NUM: 1590 - CATEGORIA: grammatica > preposizioni for-since - DIFFICOLTA': ***

FOR oppure SINCE? scegli la preposizione corretta per completare le seguenti frasi(02):

This house is here.... 1899. / Have you visited your friend.... he moved to Sweden? / I lived in America.... a half year. / I didn't see you.... a couple of years. / I told you not to leave the shop.... 10 minute. / I can sit and study .... hours at a time. / That guy watching us.... we arrived here. / We are taking so hard test.... we begined school. / I am watching this chanel.... I arrived home. / Let's go to the zoo.... an hour. / I love him....I saw him.... the 1st time. / He is keep telling me to make a facebook account.... a whole week. / You are my best friend.... the 1st class, it means.... ages.