ESERCIZIO NUM: 433 - CATEGORIA: grammatica > articoli some-any - DIFFICOLTA': ***

A oppure SOME? Completa le frasi scegliendo quello corretto(02):

There is ____ rice in the cupboard. -- There is ____ dog in the garden. -- There is ____ postman coming to the door. -- There is ____ alcohol in the fridge. -- There is ____ bathroom upstairs. -- There is ____ computer in the office. -- There is ____ oil on the floor. -- There is ____ ice on the windscreen. -- There is ____ shirt in the tumble dryer. -- There is ____ homework to do later on. -- There is ____ food on the table. -- There is ____ cheese in the fridge. -- There is ____ light switch on the wall. -- There is ____ vinegar on your chips. -- There is ____ pen in my pocket.