ESERCIZIO NUM: 99 - CATEGORIA: grammatica > nomi singolare-plurale - DIFFICOLTA': ***

Scrivi i plurali irregolari dei nomi fra parentesi e completa le frasi(03):

1) Place all your ____________ in a jar. (penny) 2) There are so many ____________. (box) 3) I like the pattern of the ___________. (series) 4) What are the __________ of your conclusion? (basis) 5) The dog brings the ____________ around at night. (sheep) 6) How may _____________ were there? (moose) 7) The plastic ____________ will do. (knife) 8) He was telling the ______________ a story. (child) 9) Are your ____________ cold? (foot) 10) Put two ___________ together to get a whole. (half)