ESERCIZIO NUM: 968 - CATEGORIA: grammatica > articoli - DIFFICOLTA': **

Per ogni frase, guarda come viene usato l'articolo indefinito e la parola ONE. Le frasi sono corrette o no?

1. Look on the table in the lounge. There's only a table, it should be easy to find. // 2. It's a very nice laptop computer. It seems very fast. // 3. There's only a piece of cheese left. We need some more. // 4. It's not that door. It's a door to the left. Yes, that one! // 5. The robber pulled out a gun and told everyone to get down. // 6. I only saw him a time. I don't even remember his name! // 7. If you have a letter for me, put it on the table. // 8. For this recipe, we need three eggs and a pint of milk. Do you have that?