ESERCIZIO NUM: 961 - CATEGORIA: verbi > question-form - DIFFICOLTA': ****
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Scegli i QUESTION TAG corretti per ogni frase(02):

1. My nickname in the office is "Slugger", - isn't it? - aren't I? - am I? /// 2. Clifdon was the place we went for that rainy vacation, - isn't it? - isn't there? - wasn't it? /// 3. Hayley's your best friend! You should come to her party, - shouldn't you? - isn't she? - should you? /// 4. The price of gas hasn't fallen much recently, - has it? - is it? - will it? /// 5. There are too many chairs around that table, - are they? - isn't there? - aren't there? /// 6. The weather won't improve if we sit here and look out the window, - will we? - will it? - won't it? /// 7. Everyone can hear me at the back of the room, - can you? - can't you? - can't they? /// 8. (DIFFICULT!) I'm late again, - amn't I? - aren't I? - am I?