ESERCIZIO NUM: 917 - CATEGORIA: verbi > modali - DIFFICOLTA': ****
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Per completare ogni frase scegli SHOULD oppure SHOULDN'T(01):

1. Listen to that music! Our neighbors .... play music that loud at this hour. // 2. If your tooth is still hurting you tomorrow, you .... go to the dentist's. // 3. Cathy .... keep ringing her ex-boyfriend. I think he is with another girl now. // 4. Before going to Madrid for your holidays, you .... try and learn something of the language. You will enjoy things a lot more. // 5. You .... always knock on the door before entering. This is a private office. // 6. We .... bring something to Kate's party. I'll feel really embarrassed otherwise. // 7. That model on the TV is too skinny. She .... eat more, I think! // 8. Lizzie .... ask Bryan to help her with her studies. He did the same course last year. // 9. Pregnant women .... smoke as it can damage the baby. // 10. We .... leave too late tomorrow if we want to reach the beach before lunch.