ESERCIZIO NUM: 839 - CATEGORIA: grammatica > avverbi - DIFFICOLTA': ***

Scegli l'AVVERBIO corretto(01):

1. He usually cuts my hair ______. - quick - quickly - more quickly // 2. He cut my hair ______ today than last time. - more quickly - more quick - quicker // 3. Sally runs ______ than Lois. - faster - fast - more fast // 4. Valery runs ______ of the three of us. - faster - most fast - fastest // 5. Brian drives ______. - careful - more careful - carefully // 6. He drives ______ than his sister. - carefuller - careful - more carefully // 7. Brian drives the ______ of the four of us. - most carefully - more carefully - carefullest // 8. The red bird sings ______. - louder - loudly - loudest // 9. The brown bird sings ______ than the red bird. - more softly - most softly - softly // 10. The person who sings the ______ wins. - most loud - more loudly - most loudly