ESERCIZIO NUM: 807 - CATEGORIA: grammatica > comparativi superlativi aggettivi - DIFFICOLTA': ****

Completa le frasi con gli aggettivi suggeriti al COMPARATIVO o al SUPERLATIVO(02).

1. Beth is ______than Eduardo. - more short - short - shorter //2. The blue dress is ______ than the yellow dress. - beautiful - most beautiful - more beautiful //3. My cat is ______ than your cat. - big - bigger - more big //4. His kitchen is _______ than her kitchen. - cleaner - more clean - clean //5. This test is ______ than the test we took yesterday. - more difficult - most difficult - difficult //6. The brown bird is ______ than the yellow bird. - more little - small - smaller //7. His headache was bad yesterday. Today it is ______. - worse - bad - worst //8. Yesterday I was sick. Today I feel ______. - more better - better - good //9. John is ______ than he was yesterday. - more sick - sickest - sicker //10. The boys are ______ today than they were yesterday. - happier - more happy - happy