ESERCIZIO NUM: 803 - CATEGORIA: verbi > present-continuous - DIFFICOLTA': ****
CLICCA QUI per aprire un TUTORIAL sui VERBI prima di svolgere l'esercizio

Riordina le parole per creare delle frasi usando il PRESENTE CONTINUOUS. Non dimenticare di includere la punteggiatura!

1. washing / because / . / the / am / he / I / dog / is / dirty --- 2. a / are / toy / two / about / fighting / brothers / . / the --- 3. working / in / very / is / her / Clara / hard / office / . --- 4. the / . / he's / phone / manager / is / talking / Jason / and / on / the --- 5. is / who / that / sea / at / old / the / swimming / look / man / . / in --- 6. are / ! / talking / both / they / dog / to / their / neighbor's --- 7. strongly / very / the / . / wind / it's / cold / is / and / blowing --- 8. the / in / cake / chocolate / is / oven / the / burning / .