ESERCIZIO NUM: 685 - CATEGORIA: verbi > present-simple present-perfect past-simple past-perfect - DIFFICOLTA': *****
CLICCA QUI per aprire un TUTORIAL sui VERBI prima di svolgere l'esercizio

QUIZ con domande miste sui verbi, scegli la risposta corretta fra quelle proposte:

1 Which of these sentences is in the present simple tense? / A) I bought a new pet. B) My pets love me. C) I’m feeding my pets. / 2 Which of these sentences in in the present simple tense? / A) Shaun is having a sandwich. B) Shaun went to that school. C) Shaun is about 30 years old. / 3 Which of these sentences in in the present simple tense? / A) We are honest people. B) We are playing tennis. C) We met the President. / 4 ____ you over 21? / A) Are B) Do C) Does / 5 My friends ____ live near me. / A) aren’t B) don’t C) doesn’t / 6 Pete ___ to borrow some money. / A) needing B) is needs C) needs / 7 Kenny ___ a little Japanese. / A) understanding B) is understands C) understands / 8 My sister ___ a new boyfriend. / A) have B) has C) is have / 9 This ___ like a fun movie to watch. / A) look B) looks C) looking / 10 This coffee ___ horrible. / A) taste B) tastes C) tasting