ESERCIZIO NUM: 683 - CATEGORIA: verbi > to-do negative-form to-be - DIFFICOLTA': ***
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Completa le frasi scegliendo la forma NEGATIVA corretta fra le due proposte:

1. We __ late yet. A) don’t B) aren’t / 2. I __ very brave. A) am not B) don’t / 3. I __ have a wallet. A) am not B) don’t / 4. She __ know Thomas. A) doesn’t B) isn’t / 5. Nigel __ eat meat A) doesn’t B) isn’t / 6. It __ cloudy today. A) isn’t B) doesn’t / 7. It __ rain much around here. A) isn’t B) doesn’t / 8. I __ angry with you. A) am not B) don’t / 9. You __ care about me! A) aren’t B) don’t / 10. You __ welcome here. A) aren’t B) don’t / 11. They __ wear uniforms. A) aren’t B) don’t / 12. They __ old enough to enter. A) aren’t B) don’t / 13. I __ use Facebook as much as Twitter. A) am not B) don’t / 14. He __ very tall. A) isn’t B) doesn’t / 15. She __ a good cook. A) isn’t B) doesn’t / 16. We __ carry a lot of cash. A) aren’t B) don’