ESERCIZIO NUM: 646 - CATEGORIA: grammatica > aggettivi - DIFFICOLTA': ****

Completa le frasi con gli AGGETTIVI proposti scegliendo fra il suffisso -ED oppure -ING:

1 I felt ____ after listening to the professor’s explanation. (confusing/confused) / 2 She felt so ____ that she didn’t even want to get out of bed. (depressing/depressed) / 3 What a ____ movie! (boring/bored) / 4 The ____ little kitten hid under the sofa. (frightening/frightened) / 5 It was a ____ experience for the kitten. (frightening/frightened) / 6 It was ____ when they saw my baby photos. (embarrassing/embarrassed) / 7 Jock was ____ after the long journey. (exhausting/exhausted) / 8 It was a ____ discovery. (shocking/shocked) / 9 It was a really ____ holiday (amazing/amazed) / 10 I was ____ that she broke her promise. (annoying/annoyed) / 11 I thought the movie would be good, but it was ____. (disappointing/disappointed) / 12 She was ____ to get a Christmas card from him. (surprising/surprised)