ESERCIZIO NUM: 641 - CATEGORIA: verbi > to-be there - DIFFICOLTA': ***
CLICCA QUI per aprire un TUTORIAL sui VERBI prima di svolgere l'esercizio

Scegli THERE IS oppure THERE ARE per completare ogni frase.

1. ____ a big cow in that field. /// 2. ____ large houses all along the street. /// 3. ____ big white clouds in the sky. /// 4. ____ not many people in the restaurant. /// 5. ____ a birds' nest high in the tree. /// 6. ____ many different types of animal in the zoo. /// 7. ____ a lot of food on the table. /// 8. ____ only a few potatoes in the cupboard. /// 9. ____ a small music book on the shelf. /// 10. ____ birds on the grass outside.