ESERCIZIO NUM: 608 - CATEGORIA: comprensione > question-form comprensione-advanced - DIFFICOLTA': ****

Mary è un'insegnante che vive a Melbourne, in Australia. Ha 32 anni, ha i capelli biondi e un fratello di nome David. David ha 34 anni ed è anche insegnante. David vive in Scozia in un piccolo appartamento. Il suo compleanno è ad agosto. È sposato con Jane, 31 anni e attrice. Hanno un'auto BMW rossa. Usa le seguenti informazioni per scegliere le domande corrette sul fratello di Mary fra le tre proposte.

1. David. - What is she brother's name? - What is the brother's name? - What is her brother's name? // 2. 34. - How old is David? - How many years has David? - How many years does David have? // 3. He is a teacher like his sister. - What is the work of David? - What is David's work? - What is David's job? // 4. In Scotland? - Where does live David? - Where lives David? - Where does David live? // 5. No, he doesn't. He lives in an apartment? - David lives in a house? - Does David live in a house? - David does live in a house? // 6. In August. So he's a Leo. - When is his birthday? - When is he born? - When his birthday is? // 7. Yes, he is. To Jane, who is 31 years old. - He is married? - Is he married? - Does he married? // 8. She is an actress. - What is Jane job? - What do Jane do? - What does Jane do? // 9. Yes, they do. A BMW. - Have they a car? - Do they has a car? - Do they have a car? // 10. It's red. - What color is the car? - What is the color car? - What color the car is?