ESERCIZIO NUM: 603 - CATEGORIA: verbi > present-simple negative-form - DIFFICOLTA': **
CLICCA QUI per aprire un TUTORIAL sui VERBI prima di svolgere l'esercizio

Per ogni frase, scegli DON'T oppure DOESN'T:

1. We are new here, so we _______ know him. // 2. William is rich so he _______ have to work. // 3. It really is a cheap restaurant, it ______ cost much to eat there. // 4. I _______ like classical music very much, I prefer rock. // 5. Sara said she ______ want the puppy anymore. // 6. I have a DVD player, but I _______ use it often. // 7. That kind of thunderstorm _______ happen often. // 8. We live close to the stadium, but we ______ go often. // 9. Tom _______ like strawberry ice cream. // 10. Mr. Smith _______ live in Chicago. He lives in Miami. // 11. I _______ understand this TV show. Do you? // 12. Grapes _______ grow in cold countries.