ESERCIZIO NUM: 585 - CATEGORIA: grammatica > pronomi-possessivi - DIFFICOLTA': ***

Seleziona il POSSESSIVO corretto scegliendolo fra i tre proposti:

1. The bike belongs to me. It is _____ bike. - his - her - my /// 2. The bike belongs to him. It is _____ bike. - he - her - his /// 3. The bike belongs to her. It is _____ bike. - her - my - his /// 4. The bike belongs to you. It is _____ bike. - her - your - his /// 5. The bike belongs to us. It is _____ bike. - our - their - my /// 6. The bike belongs to them. It is _____ bike. - their - his - her /// 7. The house has a red roof. _____ roof is red. - Your - Its - His /// 8. We have a dog and a cat. They are _____ pets. - my - it's - our /// 9. Betty and Daniel have three children. _____ children are very nice. - Their - His - Her /// 10. Nadia has a new car. She washes _____ car every week. - their - her - his