ESERCIZIO NUM: 561 - CATEGORIA: grammatica > comparativi - DIFFICOLTA': ***

THAN o THEN? scegli l'alternativa corretta e completa le seguenti frasi (01):

By _____, the dog had eaten all the cookies. -- If that’s the case, _____ you need to find a better way to study. -- If you go first _____ I will follow. -- My grandfather has lived longer ______ I have. -- Her hair is longer _____ mine. -- First one thing _____ the other. -- It is more important _____ you think. -- I went to history class and _____ ate my lunch. -- Put the flour in the bowl, _____ add two eggs. -- The chocolate cake is sweeter _____ the brownie. -- I would rather work on my math homework _____ read a book. -- I like coffee more _____ tea. -- Wait until 2 o’clock, _____ you can go to the park with your friends. -- We’ll drive to grandma’s house first, _____ we’ll go pick up Auntie Sarah.