ESERCIZIO NUM: 469 - CATEGORIA: verbi > participio - DIFFICOLTA': *****
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Completa le frasi qui sotto con una diversa forma del past participle in ognuna di esse. Argomento: questa settimana la mamma di Billy è stata in viaggio d'affari a Stoccolma, in Svezia.

1. She has ____ her tablet by dropping it on the ground. -- 2. She has ____ hard with her international team. -- 3. She’s ____ the hotel manager for more pillows. -- 4. She’s ____ forgetting to ask for things in Swedish. -- 5. She has ____ to enjoy travelling without her family. -- 6. She has ____ sushi for the first time. -- 7. She has ____ two important contracts with local builders. -- 8. She’s ____ an open air performance of Aida. -- 9. She has ____ four seminars for local business leaders. -- 10. She has ____ on her hotel balcony and admired the lovely view. -- 11. She has ____ the tickets to an exciting event. -- 12. She has ____ the president of a local cheese manufacturer. -- 13. She’s ____ too many cups of expensive coffee. -- 14. She’s ____ for a celebratory meal with all her colleagues. -- 15. She has ____ to her husband a few times. -- 16. She’s ____ on a terrace beside a beautiful fountain. -- 17. She has ____ $100 by coming third in a karaoke competition. -- 18. She’s ____ some interesting and useful work. -- 19. She has ____ the city’s famous art gallery. -- 20. She has ____ a lot to tell her family!