ESERCIZIO NUM: 440 - CATEGORIA: grammatica > pronomi-personali - DIFFICOLTA': ***

Completa le frasi con un pronome soggetto o un pronome oggetto(02):

11. I don’t think the shop is open. ___ usually closes at five thirty. -- 12. I showed ___ my photos. He thought ___ were boring. -- 13. “How much is that CD?” “___ think ___ ’s £11.99.” -- 14. Ben isn’t coming to see the film. ___ ’s seen ___ already. -- 15. It’s sunny today, isn’t ___ ? -- 16. I went to see my aunt. ___ was pleased to see ___ . -- 17. It’s good to see ___ all. Thanks for coming. -- 18. Lara’s boyfriend has broken up with ___ . ___ told ___that ___ doesn’t love her any more. -- 19. ___ were annoyed when their meal was late. -- 20. Adele said goodbye to her brother. She was sad to watch ___ go.