ESERCIZIO NUM: 439 - CATEGORIA: grammatica > pronomi-personali - DIFFICOLTA': ***

Completa le frasi con un pronome soggetto o un pronome oggetto(01):

1. Have you seen my dad? ___ ’s wearing a red shirt. -- 2. Are ___ going to finish your dinner? -- 3. I don’t like Christopher. ___ really annoys ___ . -- 4. Your bag is over there. Take ___ with ___ when you go. -- 5. We always go to bed early. Ten o’clock is late for ___ . -- 6. Her shoes were dirty, so ___ cleaned ___ . -- 7. I’m going to the cinema. Do ___ want to come with ___ ? -- 8. My brother rang last night. ___ was great to talk to ___ . -- 9. Emily saw ___ at the restaurant. They were having lunch. -- 10. The boy came up to ___ and took my hand.