ESERCIZIO NUM: 438 - CATEGORIA: grammatica > pronomi-personali - DIFFICOLTA': ***

Completa le frasi utilizzando il PRONOME personale THEY oppure THEM:

1. I don’t know ____ at all. -- 2. ____ can’t hear you. -- 3. Ask ____ yourself. -- 4. Who is that man with ____ ? -- 5. ____ went to the cinema with Linda and Rachael last night. -- 6. Please tell ____ that ____ are early. -- 7. Somebody wants to see ____ . -- 8. I will put ____ on the waiting list. -- 9. ____ are at the football match. -- 10. Did ____ see you there? -- 11. I’ve never heard of ____ . -- 12. I want to invite ____ , but I think ____ are busy. -- 13. ____ cut the grass, just like I asked ____ to. -- 14. It was kind of ____ to say ____ would help. -- 15. What colour curtains do ____ want?