ESERCIZIO NUM: 435 - CATEGORIA: grammatica > pronomi-personali - DIFFICOLTA': ***

Completa le frasi utilizzando il PRONOME personale HE oppure HIM:

1. ____ always goes home early on Tuesdays. -- 2. I asked ____ for some help. -- 3. ____ asked, “What’s her problem?” -- 4. ____ was always a bit quiet. -- 5. That’s easy for ____ to say. -- 6. Do you want to see ____ now? -- 7. ____ needs a new pair of shoes. -- 8. I think that ____ is really selfish. -- 9. Can you ask ____ ? -- 10. ____ wasn’t very well last week. -- 11. ____ put on his coat and went out. -- 12. Gillian gave the largest piece of cake to ____ . -- 13. I love spending time with ____ . -- 14. Everyone told ____ to be quiet. -- 15. There’s something strange about ____ .