ESERCIZIO NUM: 434 - CATEGORIA: grammatica > pronomi-personali - DIFFICOLTA': ***

Completa le frasi utilizzando il PRONOME personale I oppure ME:

1. Give that book to ____ . -- 2. ____ don’t like working in shops. -- 3. Does your friend know ____ ? -- 4. ____ and Ted are going out for lunch. -- 5. ____ need to ask you something. -- 6. ____ ’m a vegetarian. -- 7. ____ was the first one to finish my exam. -- 8. This is a picture of ____ and mum on holiday. -- 9. This is the house they showed ____ . -- 10. Did you know that ____ live in Manchester? -- 11. Jenny told ____ that you went to London last week. -- 12. ____ will see you soon. -- 13. Deepak is older than ____ . -- 14. Call ____ when you get there. -- 15. This is the house where ____ was born. There is ____ pen in my pocket.