ESERCIZIO NUM: 403 - CATEGORIA: verbi > conditional can-must - DIFFICOLTA': *****
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Completa le frasi (che sono collegate tra loro) utilizzando i verbi tra parentesi al CONDIZIONALE(02):

1 If I (can). -- 2 I (do) it. -- 3 If I (come) earlier. -- 4 I (prepare) the dinner. -- 5 If it (rain). -- 6 Kelly (take) an umbrella with her. -- 7 If we (hurry). -- 8 we (catch) the train. -- 9 If Jim (study) harder. -- 10 the exam (be) easier for him. -- 11 she (get) angry. -- 12 If he (not buy) a present. -- 13 you (not lose) weight. -- 14 If you (not have) breakfast in the morning. -- 15 you (feel) bad.