ESERCIZIO NUM: 396 - CATEGORIA: verbi > futuro - DIFFICOLTA': ****
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Riscrivi il seguente dialogo coniugando i verbi tra parentesi e usando correttamente il FUTURO(02):

1 (we/move) into our new flat next August. -- 2 Oh, are you? (you/invite) me to dinner when you settle down? -- 3 Next month your daughter (be) eighteen. -- 4 What (you/do) ? -- 5 (we/give) a party -- 6 and (we/buy) her a car. -- 7 Haven’t we got time for a drink? I’m sorry but (the train/leave) in 30 minutes. -- 8 It’s so hot in here! (I/ open) the window. -- 9 Good idea! (it/be) cool soon.