ESERCIZIO NUM: 394 - CATEGORIA: verbi > futuro - DIFFICOLTA': ****
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Completa le frasi usando il correttamente FUTURO.

1 We (meet) Karen at the coach station next Saturday [Azione concordata] -- 2 Next Sunday it (be) snow in Ireland [Previsione] -- 3 I (study) more for the next test [Promessa] -- 4 Karen (be) an interpreter [Intenzione] -- 5 By 2200 people (live) in space cities [Previsione] -- 6 Anything to drink? I (have) a beer. [Decisione immediata] -- 7 Ann and Karen (leave) for London next weekend [Programma stabilito] -- 8 They (see) the National Gallery and the Tower of London [Intenzione/decisione già presa] -- 9 I’m busy now. I (help) Dad wash his car tomorrow [Promessa] -- 10 Hurry up! We (miss) the bus to school [Azione imminente, basata su evidenza]