ESERCIZIO NUM: 389 - CATEGORIA: verbi > futuro - DIFFICOLTA': ***
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Riempi gli spazi con i verbi dati utilizzando il FUTURE SIMPLE(02):

1 What (they / do) .. this afternoon? -- 2 It is late. I must go now. I (call) .. you later. -- 3 Barbara has promised she (help) .. Dad in the garden. -- 4 I don’t think Robert (go) .. to University. -- 5 I (talk) .. to Dad tonight. -- 6 What you (do) .. if it will (rain)? -- 7 There’s nothing in the fridge. I (take) .. a burger at McDonald’s. -- 8 We (have) .. a barbecue in the garden. -- 9 Do you think the exams (be) .. difficult this year? -- 10 My friend’s mobile is off. I (phone) .. her later.