ESERCIZIO NUM: 386 - CATEGORIA: verbi > be-going-to - DIFFICOLTA': ****
CLICCA QUI per aprire un TUTORIAL sui VERBI prima di svolgere l'esercizio

Completa le frasi con TO BE GOING TO.

1 This is a boring film. I .... watch it again. -- 2 That skirt is too expensive. She .... buy it. -- 3 Look at Luke! He .... fall off the roof. -- 4 Sheila’s is very clever. The teacher .... give her a very good mark. -- 5 Bob’s birthday’s on 20th September .... give a big party? -- 6 How long (you/stay) .... in Australia, Mum?” “a week. -- 7 The sky is cloudy. It (rain) .... -- 8 Alex plays the guitar very well. He (give) .... a concert next month.