ESERCIZIO NUM: 38 - CATEGORIA: grammatica > congiunzioni - DIFFICOLTA': ***

Unisci le due frasi usando AND:

1) You have a grey sweater. You have blue jeans. 2) Mary likes spaghetti. Mary likes chocolate cake. 3) The children play hockey. The children play basketball. 4) My dad has a red car. My dad has a green lawnmower. 5) Toby likes cats. Toby likes dogs. 1) The cat watches the mouse. The cat watches the bird. 2) The dog has a bone. The dog has a bowl. 3) The pencil is sharp. The pencil is yellow. 4) The couch is comfortable. The couch is soft. 5) The table is square. The table is high. 1) Nick runs on the weekend. Nick runs in the morning. 2) Tommy and Pete have many toys. Tommy and Pete have many pets. 3) The teacher tells the students to read. The teacher tells the students to write. 4) Mr. Hillis looks after the student. Mr. Hillis looks after the class. 5) Neveah calls her mom. Neveah calls her dad.