ESERCIZIO NUM: 366 - CATEGORIA: verbi > modali - DIFFICOLTA': ****
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I verbi Modali: completa le frasi con un verbo appropriato.

1 I’m hungry. You should ... something. -- 2 I have a cold. You should ... an aspirin. -- 3 It’s raining. You shouldn’t ... out with your bicycle. -- 4 It is hot today. You ought to ... something fresh. -- 5 Somebody stole my bag. You ought to ... the police. -- 6 I have got nothing to wear for tonight’s party. You should ... a dress. -- 7 I always do grammar mistakes when I go abroad. You should ... a pocket dictionary with you. -- 8 I’m getting late to the summit. You ought to ... a taxi. -- 9 I’m always tired. You shouldn’t ... to bed so late. -- 10 Here are a lot of friendly people. You shouldn’t ... shy.