ESERCIZIO NUM: 364 - CATEGORIA: verbi > modali - DIFFICOLTA': ****
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I verbi Modali: completa le frasi seguenti usando SHOULD/SHOULDN'T - SHOULD HAVE/ SHOULDN'T HAVE/ MUSTN'T O DON'T HAVE TO.

1 If you’re ill, you .... go out. -- 2 You .... worry about Joan. She’ll come back safely as usual. -- 3 David, you .... play near the river. It can be dangerous. -- 4 We .... forget to take the dog before leaving. -- 5 She .... called so late. She .... know that we are in bed at 11. -- 6 You .... watch TV instead of studying. -- 7 This jumper is full of holes. You .... darn it. -- 8 I .... wash my car at once. I’ll do it tomorrow.