ESERCIZIO NUM: 35 - CATEGORIA: grammatica > this-that - DIFFICOLTA': **

THIS, THAT, THESE o THOSE? scegli quello corretto e completa le frasi(02):

1) ______ (this / that) ball is my favorite. 2) I don’t like to play with _______ (this / that) ball. 3) ________ (these / those) shoes are too big for me. 4) Maybe ________ (these / those) shoes will fit better. 5) _______ (this / that) tablet is faster than _____ (this / that) one. 6) The students prefer _________ (these / those) chairs here. 7) ________ (these / those) decorations in that tree are beautiful. 8) ________ (these / those) blocks on the table are easier to play with than_____ (these / those) on the shelf. 9) Give me ______ (this / that) eraser over on that desk. 10) Will ________ (these / those) boxes fit in the closet?