ESERCIZIO NUM: 348 - CATEGORIA: verbi > to-have present-simple - DIFFICOLTA': **
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Completa le frasi usando il verbo to have. In alcune frasi è possibile più di una soluzione.

1 Mark ... an MP3 reader. -- 2 We ... two little dog, and we love them! -- 3 I ... go for a walk, I need fresh air. -- 4 Why don’t we ... a swim? -- 5 I ... some good news for you, so please listen up! -- 6 The new neighbours horrible car. Ours is better. -- 7 Every day Linda ... a cup of tea at 5 o’clock in the afternoon. -- 8 Linda ... a new teacup set. -- 9 You don’t ... work, you’re full of money! -- 10 My cousin ... an electric guitar in his bedroom.