ESERCIZIO NUM: 333 - CATEGORIA: grammatica > articoli - DIFFICOLTA': ***

Scegli la forma più adatta di ARTICOLO per ogni frase.

1 Prime Minister/The Prime Minister is about to be interviewed. -- 2 That is the guy/a guy who stole my handbag. -- 3 Why don’t we go on an holyday/holyday .... -- 4 ... in the Texas/Texas? -- 5 A bunch of flowers/The bunch of flowers you gave me is very beautiful. -- 6 My car does 250 kilometres hour/an hour. -- 7 Mickey’s mother works as a nurse/nurse. -- 8 Have you ever been to British Museum/the British Museum? -- 9 This is only thing/the only thing I can do now. -- 10 Did you like the surprise/a surprise?