ESERCIZIO NUM: 3018 - CATEGORIA: comprensione > comprensione-intermediate - DIFFICOLTA': ***

Leggi il seguente brano sui tipici sport britannici ed indica ogni paragrafo a quale sport si riferisce.

1) It is England's nation sport. It is commonly played on a field on Saturday and Sunday afternoons from April to August. It is a team sport. There are 11 players in each team, usually dressed white. They play with a ball and a bat.
2) This sport is played on a table with a bat made of wood and rubber and a small plastic ball. In the Olympic games it includes 4 disciplines - men's singles, women's singles, men's doubles, women's doubles. It is also called "Ping Pong".
3) It is England's most popular port. It is a team sport. There are 11 players in each team. They play on a pitch. Some English teams like Manchester United, Arsenal and Liverpool are very famous. It is called soccer in the US.
4) It is Scotland's national sport. In fact, there are over 900 courses in Scotland alone; the most important club is in St. Andrews, the Scottish town where the sport originated in the 12th century. It is an individual sport. It is played with a small ball and clubs on a course.
5) It takes its name from the Duke of Beaufort's country home, Badminton House, where the sport originated in the 19th century. People play it on a court with a light racket and shuttlecock.
6) It is a team sport. Like football, it is played on a pitch, but with an oval ball. Players can carry the ball. There are 15 players. The best teams compete in the Super League final each September. American football derives from this sport. A goal is called a try.
7) This sport originated in England during the reign of Henry VIII. Two or four players play on a clay, grass or hard court with a racket and a ball. One of the most famous tournaments is Wimbledon, which takes place in south London every summer. It is traditional for visitors to the Wimbledon Championships to eat strawberries and cream while they watch the games.