ESERCIZIO NUM: 2998 - CATEGORIA: comprensione > comprensione-intermediate - DIFFICOLTA': ***

Leggi il seguente brano sulle specialità gastronomiche inglesi e poi indica ogni immagine a quale piatto si riferisce.

WALES is a land of mountains and rivers. Traditional Welsh food is simple and delicious. Wales is famous for the variety and quality of its cheese and many Welsh recipes use cheese and vegetables. The most famous Welsh dish is Welsh rarebit. It is quick and simple lo make: you mix four eggs with some grated Welsh cheese and a teaspoon of Worcester Sauce, then you cook this on toast.
ENGLAND has many regional specialities but one of the most delicious is Devonshire cream tea. This includes a pot of tea, with milk or cream, and freshly-baked scones served with jam and clotted cream - a thick, rich cream made in the south-west of the country.
SCOTLAND: Haggis is a Scottish speciality. It is a firm savoury dish consisting of a sheep's stomach stuffed with mince at and oats. It is very rich and spicy. Traditionally, people eat haggis with turnips and potatoes.
NORTHERN IRELAND is a wet, windy country and its typical food is potatoes. People make many different things from potatoes: potato cakes, potato pies, potato crisps and, most delicious of all, potato bread and rolls. These are delicious when toasted with Irish butter and honey or jam.

esercizio numero 2998