ESERCIZIO NUM: 2987 - CATEGORIA: comprensione > comprensione-intermediate - DIFFICOLTA': ****

Leggi il brano su Molly e rispondi alle domande che trovi al termine usando al massimo 4 parole.

I've been a travel blogger for about two years. I've always loved travelling, so after university I decided to do it as a job. I've worked really hard to ensure that I make money from my writing. I'm a trained journalist so my writing is of a high standard and my blog posts always contain lots of useful information. My blog has attracted lots of sponsors and advertisers from all around the world. I have also earned a good reputation in the travel community so other young travellers know that they can trust my advice. My life has changed dramatically since I became a travel blogger because I spend most of my time in different countries away from my family and friends. Have I ever thought about stopping? No, never!
DOMANDE: 1 Has Molly always loved travelling? 2 What has her blog attracted a lot of? 3 Has she earned a bad reputation? 4 Has her life changed only a little since she became a travel blogger? 5 Has she ever thought about stopping? 6 How long has Molly been a travel blogger?