ESERCIZIO NUM: 2981 - CATEGORIA: comprensione > comprensione-intermediate - DIFFICOLTA': ***

Leggi il seguente brano sulla stanza di Letizia e indica se le affermazioni al termine sono vere, false o non è possibile rispondere.

Letizia's bedroom is a place where she is relaxed. In her room she has got her own space. Letizia's bedroom is tidy and clean. Her clothes are in order in the wardrobe. Her books are on the shelves above the desk. There aren't any posters on the wall, but there are some photos on a shelf above the bed. On the floor there's a large soft rug. It is all white: the walls, the bed, the wardrobe and the rug. Letizia's bedroom is her private place. On the door there's a notice Do not enter! Letizia on, But Letizia has got a lot of friends and when they are at her house, they are all together in the attic. It's a great place for a party! There are sofas, cushions, video games and a big TV! There is also a kitchen for snacks and drinks. And the place is a mess! In the attic Letizia is a very untidy girl!
AFFERMAZIONI: 1) Letizia's bedroom is upstairs. 2) When she is in her bedroom, there aren't any people around 3) Her clothes are on the bed. 4) There are some posters with her friends on the wall. 5) There are some photos in her room 6) Her wardrobe is white. 7) Her bedroorn has got a balcony. 8) Letizia hasn't got any friends. 9) In the attic Letizia has parties with her friends 10) The attic is tidy and clean.