ESERCIZIO NUM: 2899 - CATEGORIA: verbi > conditional - DIFFICOLTA': *****
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Riscrivi le frasi con il SECOND CONDITIONAL indicando che cosa potrebbero o non potrebbero fare le persone descritte. Esempio: Albert eats a lot of junk food. He shouldn't eat a lot of junk food.

1 Ellie spends the entire day on her smartphone. 2 Sally never does regular physical exercise. 3 William looks at his tablet when he goes to bed. 4 Meghan and Ruth play video games all day. 5 Danny never gets eight hours' sleep. 6 Serena and Marie eat pizza every day. 7 Mark only drinks one glass of water a day. 8 Mark only drinks one glass of water a day. 8 Gianni doesn't brush his teeth after lunch.