ESERCIZIO NUM: 2852 - CATEGORIA: comprensione > comprensione-advanced - DIFFICOLTA': *****

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Alberto found an interesting place on the Internet for her family to spend their summer holiday. But this is a holiday with a difference.... Hi! This year we are going to spend two weeks in Fitzroy Island in the state of Queensland in North-East Australia. Fitzroy Island is surrounded by a coral reef system that is part of the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park. This UNESCO World Heritage Site is the largest coral reef system in the world. There are more than 2,900 individual reefs and 900 islands. It covers an area of about 345,000 square kilometres, an area bigger than Italy. It is a popular tourist destination because of its tropical climate, beautiful clear sea and wonderful sandy beaches. We are going to leave in July, when it's summer in Britain and winter in Australia, and we are going to stay for two weeks. But we aren't going to have a typical seaside holiday. We are going to take part in a sea turtle conservation programme. The programme invites people and families to participate as volunteers at the Cairns Turtle Rehabilitation Centre on Fitzroy Island, a National Park 30 kilometres opposite the town of Cairns. It treats injured and sick turtles. The turtles at the Centre are suffering from various injuries and illnesses caused by boats, fishing equipment and by eating plastic mistaken for food. My family loves animals and my father is a marine biologist. We're going to stay in a hostel next to the Centre with other volunteers from all over the world. During the morning we are going to look after the turtles. Naturally, it is not going to be all work. In the afternoon, you can go swimming, snorkelling, scuba diving or hiking in the rainforest. You can also observe the fascinating coral and marine life with a tour in a glass-bottom boat. If you prefer, you can take a ferry and explore Cairns. The ferry only takes 45 minutes. So, what about a volunteering holiday for you?
Completa le seguenti frasi: 1 Fitzroy Island is in .... East Australia. 2 The reef system covers an area .... than Italy. 3 The area has a .... climate. 4 There is a clear blue sea and wonderful sandy .... 5 In your free time you can go snorkelling or .... diving.
Indica se le seguenti affermazioni sono VERE, FALSE oppure non è un dato evidenziato nel testo: 1 The Great Barrier Reef Marine Park is the largest coral reef system in the world. 2 It is a popular tourist destination because it is a UNESCO World Heritage Site. 3 In July it is summer in Australia. 4 You have to be a biologist to volunteer at the Rehabilitation Centre. 5 Turtles often mistake plastic for food. 6 In the morning volunteers can go swimming, snorkelling or scuba diving.
Rispondi alle seguenti domande: 1 Which Australian state is Fitzroy Island a part of? 2 How big is the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park? 3 Why is it popular with tourists? 4 Which animals does the Cairns Rehabilitation Centre look after? 5 What are the three major causes of the animals' injuries? 6 Where do the other volunteers come from?