ESERCIZIO NUM: 2801 - CATEGORIA: verbi > conditional - DIFFICOLTA': ****
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Completa le frasi con il FIRST CONDITIONAL coniugando il verbo tra parentesi(02).

1 Plastic....(suffocate) the oceans if people....(not take) more care. 2 If you....(clear) the table, I'll....the dishes. 3 If people....(continue) to use their cars in the city, they....(produce) more air pollution. 4 We....(be) late for school if the bus....(not arrive) soon. 5 If the holes in the ozone layer.... (get) bigger, more ultraviolet rays....(reach) the earth. 6 You....(understand) the problem if you....(not listen) carefully. 7 If you....(ask) your teacher, she....(help) you.