ESERCIZIO NUM: 28 - CATEGORIA: grammatica > articoli - DIFFICOLTA': *

Articoli A o AN? scegli quello giusto:

1) There is a / an cat in the yard. 2) A / an car is faster than a / an horse. 3) If there is a / an answer, I will find it. 4) I see a / an owl on the branch. 5) Mom has a / an red dress and a / an pink one. 6) Frank wants a / an new bicycle for his birthday. 7) The teacher read a / an story to the children. 8) A / an event like this happens only once a year. 1) There is a / an plate on the table. 2) Myriam eats a / an orange for breakfast. 3) Jeff is a / an attentive student. 4) Mom wants me to wear a / an hat. 5) There is a / an pair of mitts by the door. 6) My backpack has a / an big pocket at the front. 7) We put up a / an Christmas tree for the holidays. 8) Most boats have a / an anchor. 9) There is a / an elf on the shelf. 10) Can you find a / an exit?