ESERCIZIO NUM: 2603 - CATEGORIA: verbi > question-form to-be - DIFFICOLTA': ****
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QUESTION TAG: scegli il verbo corretto e il tempo corretto in base al senso di ogni frase per completare ogni domanda proposta.

1.Doctor, I haven't got an infection, ...I? / 2.She takes her dog for a walk every morning, ...she? / 3.You'll come, / 4.We are buying the red car, ...we? / 5.They have a cat, ...they? / 6.It's a lovely day, / 7.George doesn't know, ...he? / 8.The party didn't finish until 3 in the morning, / 9.They look tired, ...they? / 10.We won't be late, ...we? / 11She's been to Canada, ...she? / 12.He's happy, ...he? / 13There were a lot of people at the beach, ...there? / 14.I've met you before, ...I? / 15.He jumped over the fence, ...he?