ESERCIZIO NUM: 256 - CATEGORIA: grammatica > pronomi-personali - DIFFICOLTA': **

Completa le frasi con il PRONOME PERSONALE corretto.

1 This is my brother Kyle. ... is 13. / 2 Hey Mike, look at that dog and its little puppies. ... are so sweet! / 3 Listen to this music. beautiful. / 4 Me and John are very tired. I think ... are going to bed. / 5 Don’t touch that plant! ... is venomous. / 6 Do you know that girl over there? ... is beautiful. / 7 You two seem to be the same person!- -Yes, ... are twins. / 8 Mr and Mrs Smith are so kind. ... gave me a cake. / 9 Do you think that we will pass the exam? ...don’t think so ... / 10 ... is too difficult.