ESERCIZIO NUM: 2558 - CATEGORIA: verbi > present-perfect negative-form - DIFFICOLTA': ****
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Completa le frasi coniugando il verbo che trovi tra parentesi al PRESENT PERFECT CONTINUOUS nella forma NEGATIVA(02):

Andrew... in the country since 2015. (not/to live) / How long... your grandparents this car? (to drive) / They... today. (not/to cycle) / Tony... his book, but Mary has. (not/to read) / How long... he... for her? (to wait) / ...Andy... on the blue car all day? (to work) / My brother... hard enough. (not/to study) / How long... they... for a flat? (to look) / I... my homework recently. (not/to do) / the whole morning? (to sleep)