ESERCIZIO NUM: 2509 - CATEGORIA: ascolto > ascolto invalsi - DIFFICOLTA': ****

BBC NEWS AT MIDDAY 06: ascolta uno speaker della BBC leggere un notiziario e indica a quale notizia si riferisce (A-H).

Esercizio tratto dalla Prova Invalsi ufficiale di 3a media dell'anno 2018. Clicca qui per svolgere l'intera prova.

A: The cost of living has reached a new height this year after a long increase / B: Higher train tickets are justified with improvements to the network / C: Innovative vehicles will be available for those people most in need in the near future / D: Toxic fumes from cars and power plants have caused a health crisis in an Asian country / E: Experts claim this year will be record-breaking for its extremely high temperatures / F: UK economic depression has led to lower pay for civil servants / G: A soccer team has recently engaged a new chief executive / H: Unclear economic strategies on a type of fuel have affected car sales