ESERCIZIO NUM: 2499 - CATEGORIA: ascolto > ascolto - DIFFICOLTA': **

Ascolta la lettura del seguente brano e completa le parti mancanti:

TASMANIA: Tasmania is ...(1) smallest state in Australia. It is ...(2) island and it is about 300 kilometres long and 240 kilometres wide. Tasmania has ...(3) cool climate. Many kinds of fruit are grown in Tasmania. Some of ...(4) fruit grown are apples, peaches, apricots and cherries. Hobart is ...(5) capital of Tasmania. It has ...(6) beautiful harbour and behind ...(7) city there is ...(8) high mountain. ...(9) mountain is called Mount Wellington. There is ...(10) very good road to ...(11) top of ...(12) mountain. ...(13) view from ...(14) top is fantastic. You can see ...(15) harbour.